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Your Vehicle

Fleet Management Systems

KingAlarm has partnered with Digicel to provide what is, by far, the most advanced Fleet Management System available in Jamaica, allowing you to not only view the current location of your vehicle fleet, but also to view historical data.


The implementation of such a system will no doubt optimize your company's fleet operation ultimately resulting in reduced overhead costs and increased profitability.


Our system will allow you to:-

Stolen Vehicle Recovery Systems

KINGTRACKER TM utilizes state-of-the-art Vehicle Tracking Technology alongside the most detailed digitized road maps of the Island allowing our Central Station Operators to pinpoint the exact location of your vehicle, in real time, anywhere in Jamaica.


Having located your vehicle, our Armed Response Teams would immediately coordinate with Police personnel to ensure that your vehicle was recovered in the shortest time possible.


Panic Button Response

In the event of an emergency, a panic alarm must be sent to our Central Monitoring Station by pressing the wireless* or hardwired button located within your vehicle.


When a panic alarm is received by our Central Monitoring Station, an operator will first dispatch a response team and then attempt to make contact with the account holder or driver. In the event that the alarm was an accident, the contacted person simply quotes his/her password to authorize the central Station Operator to stand down our Response Team and or the Police.


Mobile Tracking App

The mobile app provides a client with the ease of tracking his/her vehicle(s) on the go. The app shows basic tracking, location, maps, speed and direction in which the vehicle is travelling.


Play Store and App Store carries the mobile app at no charge to the client and the app is compatible with any mobile device within that bracket.