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Close Protection and Bodyguard Services

KingAlarm provides highly trained Close Protection Officers and Bodyguards in the specialized field of Close Protection.

We have a proven and reliable track record of high risk assessment and covert counter-measures, and have been an integral part of the protection process for visiting VIP's, business persons and delegations since our inception.

All KingAlarm operatives are highly trained in providing executives, VIPs or high profile individuals with round-the-clock security, protection, peace of mind and confidence.

Escort Services

Going home late at night and feel the need for added protection?  All KingAlarm clients with monitored Alarm Systems benefit from this added service for FREE! * conditions apply below

Once our Teams are not responding to priority alarm signals, we are happy to be your Guardian Angels, ensuring that you are protected whilst entering or exiting your location.

(At present, this service is confined to Kingston, St. Andrew, Spanish Town and Portmore).

Party Patrol

Having a function at home or the office?

Contact us a few days prior if you are a client with a monitored Alarm System, and KingAlarm will have our Armed Response Teams conduct frequent patrols during the function Free of Charge!

This provides not only protection and security for you, but for your guests as well.