Error message

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Armed Courier Services

Since our inception, our Cash-in-Transit division has been safely transporting valuables for our valued customers.  Whether it be bank lodgements or your payroll, entrust the movement of same to our highly trained Security Officers.

At KingAlarm, we conform to your schedule and simply ask that customers contact us approximately thirty (30) minutes prior to the required pick-up time.

Close Protection and Bodyguard Services

KingAlarm provides highly trained Close Protection Officers and Bodyguards in the specialized field of Close Protection.

We have a proven and reliable track record of high risk assessment and covert counter-measures, and have been an integral part of the protection process for visiting VIP's, business persons and delegations since our inception.

All KingAlarm operatives are highly trained in providing executives, VIPs or high profile individuals with round-the-clock security, protection, peace of mind and confidence.